September 3, 2008


One of my college friends finally got with the baby-making program and produced a baby girl in August. I've mentioned before, babies are so not my thing. But I am all over the instant gratification of teeny baby knits.

There's just one problem. This particular baby is gonna be a total badass.

See, her mother named her Honoria, after a Roman noblewoman who refused to marry, had ridiculous amounts of inappropriate sex and conspired with Attilla the Hun to try to bring down the Roman Empire. That's a whole lot of name.

So, what should I knit for my friend's sweet bundle of badass?

I just don't think a hat and booty set is gonna cut it...


Rebecca said...

so wish i could help. wow. how about one of those kitty/devil hats in stitch n bitch? and then instead of booties you could do something more exciting like shoes with toes that curl? like elves?

babyjenks said...

have you seen the baby booties done in hightop converse style? you could do a matching sweater with a pirate design or a flaming heart.

Sarah said...

That is quite a name to live up to. No dainty pink pastel things for her. I had to go look up the Converse booties and those are adorable. Maybe since she conspired with Atilla the Hun instead of a little hat how 'bout one with horns ya know like the Huns wear?

Karen said...

Heck, I say knit something dainty and pink just to piss off the mom. ;)

Quirkles said...

I love the hightop converse style booties and hat with horns. Awesome! This kid is going to kick ASS!!!!